What is Form & who is FORM for?

FORM is a place for church leaders, pastors, members of church communities, small groups, and anyone wanting to learn how to better engage missionally with their communities, families, colleagues and friends.  

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FORM is focused on the formation and development of your skills as well as a support network for you that will help make sharing stories about Jesus powerful and effective.

If you are thinking of planting a church, starting a new congregation, sharing your faith or would just like to know more about engaging missionally with your world, then FORM is for you.

This year FORM will revolve around the theme of SEEK FIRST.

FORM will be an experience for the whole family. It will  cater for multicultural church expressions.

Providing an opportunity for everyone to hear from God with times where all generations will gather together as well as age-specific experiences.

Translation will be provided for several languages.

Places will fill fast so be sure to register early!

2024 Speakers

FORM 2024 Keynote Speaker

Mike Stevens

Lead Pastor at Clovercrest (Clovie)

Baptist Church, South Australia

Mike is the husband to Michelle and father to Ella, Ben and Lucy. Mike has a passion in seeing people come to know Jesus, coaching leaders, and developing effective discipleship pathways in the local church. He has worked as a teacher, school chaplain, a long-term youth Pastor, as a consultant and developer of leaders for the Baptist Churches of SA, and since 2017 has served as the Lead Pastor at Clovercrest Baptist church in Adelaide. Mike is a Reverend with the Baptist Churches of SA, is the author of ‘The Glue’ which is a book designed to develop emerging leaders, is the current Chair of Arrow Leadership Australia, teaches a Leadership subject at Tabor College, and has recently completed his Doctor of Ministry with his thesis focusing on Missional Renewal in the Western church.

Michelle Stevens

Executive Pastor at Clovercrest (Clovie)

Baptist Church, South Australia

Michelle is the Executive Pastor at Clovercrest Baptist Church, overseeing the Church Life, Creative, and Next Gen teams. She is passionate about seeing people come to know Jesus and mobilising the Church to live on mission. She is a Reverend with the Baptist Churches of SA, with a Master of Divinity. Michelle is married to Mike and has 3 teenage children who she loves spending time with. Prior to being called into ministry, Michelle worked as a Physiotherapist for over 10 years. Michelle loves travel, spending time with friends and following all God has for her on the adventure of life.

2024 Workshops

FORM 2024 Workshop Tracts

The Table of the Servant King

Matthew 22:1-14

Jesus’ radical hospitality has turned the world upside down. His way of welcome continues to transform our practice of ministry, mission and leadership. In these workshops, we explore our Servant King’s table and how he invites, serves and empowers all peoples.  The workshops will provide practical ways of reaching our emerging generations and our communities that grow more culturally diverse every day. A revolution by the table.

Marbuen (Marbz) Diaz
Team Leader Church Witness and Intercultural Lead
NSW & ACT Baptist Churches

Pip Miner
Mission Consultant
Baptist Mission Australia

Ben Chong
Leadership Program Director


The Table: Setting the Table

What is the vision for an intercultural table? How does this vision align with the biblical vision of cultural diversity? Who are the hosts and guests at the intercultural table?  What are the current challenges as we look at this table?

The Table: Compelling invitations
Taster Style/Interactive

How do we invite the participation of culturally diverse, emerging generations in our intercultural churches? What makes these invitations compelling? How can our churches be blessed by extending the invitation across generations to new guests and hosts at the banquet table?

The Table: Engaging intercultural conversations
Taster Style/Interactive

Sometimes the cultures we pay least attention to are our very own! How can we better recognize and articulate the cultures we carry? How can we enjoy intercultural conversations, sharing knowledge and experiences between cultures, sub-cultures and generations?

“Life to the full” … Seriously?

John 10:10

While being pulled in many directions at once and feeling depleted, how do you move to an experience of “life to the full”? Is that even possible? What would it look like to not only live from a posture of ‘fullness’ but curate cultures of ‘fullness’ in our families and in our teams? If you’re curious, come join us as we explore this together.

Mike Stevens
Lead Pastor

Clovercrest (Clovie) Baptist Church, South Australia

Mike Stevens
Lead Pastor

Clovercrest (Clovie) Baptist Church, South Australia

Malcolm Campbell
Discipleship Pastor
Georges River Life Church

Benj Gould
Lead Pastor
Greenhouse Church, Long Jetty

Craig Corkill
Associate Director / Discipleship & Leadership Development
NSW & ACT Baptist Churches

Personal Spiritual / Self Care
(Malcolm Campbell)

If self-leadership is the most foundational form of leadership you’ll engage in, what are practices that will posture you to live and serve from a place of ‘fullness’?What is the vision for an intercultural table? How does this vision align with the biblical vision of cultural diversity? Who are the hosts and guests at the intercultural table?  What are the current challenges as we look at this table?

Spiritual / Self Care of the family
(Mike and Michelle Stevens)

How will you not only avoid sacrificing your family on the altar of ministry but actually curate a culture of ‘fullness’ in your family? How will you leave a legacy of relationship rather than regret?ow do we invite the participation of culturally diverse, emerging generations in our intercultural churches? What makes these invitations compelling? How can our churches be blessed by extending the invitation across generations to new guests and hosts at the banquet table?

Spiritual / Self Care of your team
(Craig Corkill)

If John Maxwell is right and “A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to them”, how will you curate a culture of ‘fullness’ in your team? How will you seek to ensure that team members are leading from a place of where their tanks are topped up and they’re not running on fumes?

Simple Church

The Simple Church model embodies creativity, minimal ecclesiology fosters relationships and facilitates effective evangelism and discipleship, thereby playing a vital role in the kingdom ecosystem. In this workshop, we offer ideas and practical steps to start a Simple Church and explore dual system adaptable for local churches.

Jen Trevena
Mission Catalyst – Church Multiplication
NSW & ACT Baptist Churches

Ben Thow

Ty Soupidis
Church on the Hill, Gloucester

Tim Johnson
National Mentor Program Manager
COACH Network

Giving your Small Group a Missional Focus
(Jen Trevena)

How can the local churches revitalise using the Simple Church model, and transit small groups towards a mission focus? How do we facilitate Networking and collaboration between local churches and Simple Churches?  What type of leadership is needed to drive these efforts?

Practical Steps to Start and Multiply Simple Churches
(Jen Trevena, Ben Thow and Ty Soupidis)

What steps are involved in starting a Simple Church? What essential elements are necessary for the progression of Simple Church planting? How can Simple churches be multiplied to form a network church? What type of leadership qualities are required to become a network leader?

“Reaching Out: Equipping Simple Churches to Engage Vulnerable Communities
(Tim Johnson and Jen Trevena)

Join with the COACH Network team as we explore how Simple Churches can effectively connect with and support vulnerable communities. Discover why Simple Churches are uniquely positioned to reach those on the fringes and learn practical techniques for fostering meaningful connections and walking alongside those on the margins.

Workshop Facilitators

FORM 2024 Workshop Facilitators

Benj Gould
Lead Pastor
Greenhouse Church, Long Jetty

Benj is married to Mel and they have one child. Prior to 2019, Benj served as Youth Pastor at Narara Valley Baptist Church where Craig was the Senior Pastor. In 2019 Benj planted Greenhouse Church as an intentional church plant out of Narara.

Malcolm Campbell
Discipleship Pastor
Georges River Life Church

Malcolm is married to Kerrie and they have two adult kids. Malcolm has served in both Baptist and Churches of Christ churches for over 30 years and has a deep passion for spiritual formation in the church and those in pastoral leadership).

Craig Corkill
Associate Director / Discipleship & Leadership Development
NSW & ACT Baptist Churches

Craig is married to Carolyn and they have three adult kids. Prior to his role with the Association, Craig served as a Baptist pastor for 29 years, including planting one church and later being a ‘sending pastor’ for two more churches).

Marbuen (Marbz) Diaz
Team Leader Church Witness and Intercultural Lead
NSW & ACT Baptist Churches

Marbz has over 25 years of church ministry experience and organising community, in the most multicultural contexts of Sydney and Melbourne, as well as missions and international development. From church groups, theological colleges, and the not-for-profit sector, he has dedicated his life to seeing people’s capacities built through discipleship, mentoring and community. His passion for biblical justice deeply continues to shape his work and his family’s practices.

Jen Trevena
Mission Catalyst – Church Multiplication
NSW & ACT Baptist Churches

Jen is a Korean/Australian Baptist accredited minister, a church planter and GEN1K Mission Catalyst. Jen has been planting All-Life Family and currently developing it into All-Life Collective network church by multiplying the groups. With the previous experience in missional community and local church contexts, Jen has served diverse ethnic backgrounds.

Ben Chong
Leadership Program Director

Ben is Malaysian-Chinese and lives on Gubbi Gubbi country (Sunshine Coast) with his wife Chelsea and two daughters. He’s the second-born son of immigrants who arrived in the 70s. Ben directs the Surrender Leadership Program, helping emerging leaders from diverse cultural backgrounds to lead themselves and others well. He also coaches Christian leaders through Blueprint Leadership Coaching, and trains people in discipleship coaching with Veta Youth. He is passionate about the deep formation of Christian leaders who lead out of overflow and rest.

Ty Soupidis
Church on the Hill, Gloucester

Ty has been on the Simple Church journey since 2013, but he is a pretty simple soul anyways. He is married to Sarah, and they have 3 children who have all been key to the planting and life of Church on the Hill. They love living in rural NSW, and sharing the love of Jesus with people in their town. Their heart is for those who don’t find a natural fit in traditional church structures – the “spiritually homeless”. Ty loves soccer and good coffee, and would love to chat about these as well as talking about how Simple Church expressions might work in your local context.

Pip Miner
Mission Consultant
Baptist Mission Australia

Pip has extensive experience in Intercultural Mission in Asia and has served in Pastoral Ministry and Theological Education in Sydney. She loves asking curious questions and facilitating learning experiences that enable others to grow in their capacity to appreciate cultural diversity.

Tim Johnson
National Mentor Program Manager
COACH Network

Tim helped lead Tearfund’s work with Australian Christians – supporting Churches around the country to take action in response to issues of poverty and injustice. Now Tim works for COACH, an organisation equipping and training churches to reach and impact vulnerable communities. Tim is passionate about people and social change and believes firmly in the transformative power of relationships and the inherent strengths that God has placed within local communities.


FORM is an opportunity for the whole family to be encouraged and equipped to share the good news of Jesus and to meet other families on a similar journey.  We will have time together as families worshipping and sharing the stories of God at work and we will have times for kids and youth to be with their peers and some downtime as families and teams to connect and explore the beautiful outdoor spaces together.


Our littlest FORM delegates (2 -5 years) will will create, play and talk about God who is with us. Babies and toddlers are also welcome to use the space anytime, but will need a carer with them.


The kids will be exploring the timeless stories of God’s people and what it looks like for us to share the amazing good news of Jesus.


    The youth will be supported to participate alongside the adults, including main sessions and workshops together. Encouraging each other to see the purpose God has for us.













      Join a community of creative and innovative people who are committed to seeing individuals, culture and churches formed in, for, with, Christ.



      Collaborate with your team or other experienced practitioners on challenges and opportunities in advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word, sign and deed.



      Get one on one coaching from experienced transformissional coaches and leave the conference with a clear roadmap for what’s next.


      Are refunds available?

      Yes, we will give you a refund if you cancel before 04 September 2023 (1 month before FORM). But we charge a cancelation fee of $50 per person.

      Who’s this conference for?

      This conference is for anyone interested in church planting or evangelism. Whether you come from a large church looking to send a church plant, a seasoned church planter or a family who’s been chatting about evangelism around the dinner table, this conference is for you!

      Should I bring my team?

      Definitely! Bring anyone interested in church planting or evangelism. And if you can find 5 people from your church to come along we’re offering a church group discount.

      Is this a family-friendly event?

      Yes! We love families and think kids play a very important role in evangelism and church planting. Our program is designed to be as kid- and family-friendly as possible, including a kids program.

      What if English isn’t my primary language?

      This is a multi-cultural event. Let us know when you register and we’ll make sure to have material and translation in your preferred language.

      How does the kids program work?

      When registering make sure to put in the ages of your kids. We will match them up with an age-appropriate kid’s program that will run during the keynote and workshop times. For those under 2 they are welcome to be with their parents at any of the sessions or to be part of the pre-schoolers program with a carer present. Kids 2-5 will be cared for by a team of leaders who understand that this is a new environment with new people and so will create a fun welcoming space while the kids hear about how God is always with them. For Primary school age kids will be exploring in all sorts of different ways (stories/games/craft/conversation) being fearless in sharing Jesus.  For teens they are invited to explore together the main sessions and workshops, debriefing with our youth facilitator. Please note during the kid’s program time no devices are allowed. Devices should be kept in cabins or with parents.

      FORM is designed to be an experience the family participates in together so we encourage you to worship together when we create shared experiences, to get involved in the community fun night and use the free time and meal times to have conversations with other families on the church planting and Jesus sharing adventure.


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